This job had plans and a DA but had issues with how the drainage would work where the new roofmet the main house. The plans had beams that joined back to the existing structure passing through the gutter - cutting off the roof drainage. Also the clients wanted exposed work with ceiling in line with rafter to match the existing house. I had to work with the engineer to modify the design to resolve both of these issues. An additional difficulty of this job was that it had to fit exactly to the existing house which was not square, plum or even level.


Parts of this project had to be manufactured offsite - and with no detailed plans - how do you know that what you bring ready-made from offsite is what the client is expecting.


I also put in the bi-fold doors - which involved opening up the side of the house and putting in a beam to hold up both the existing house over the bi-folds and the load of the added balcony roof.

This is the design I came up with after working with the client and engineer.


For more pictures you can go back to the Davidson Photos

The clients wanted to match the existing interior with an exposed hardwood truss and bolted exposed connecting plates.

Details like this may seem trivial when the job is done. The trick is knowing what you want and being able to detail it so the client can see it and approve it and that the offsite manufacturer can make it- and that it all works.

This is the detail of the structural connection back to the house which solved the design problem of roof drainage. Again, because it's all exposed work, it has to be fully detailed before you start.


For this project the service I provided was in getting to know what look the client was after, working with the DA plans and modifying the engineering to come up with a proposal. This proposal had to be approved by all parties and then be detailed enough to work off.